How to Writea Speech
Who When What Where Why How
Who --- I am speaking to --- audience
What --- is the subject --- general or specific
How --- long is it going to be --- 3 min, 5 min, I hr.?
When --- is your speech? --- 9 Am.? Just before lunch?
Where --- is the physical layout of the room and the speaking area?
Who: most important
Write down everything you know about the audience Let you know what they will be interested in --- examples, content, stories, etc.
Number of people, age group, gender, ethnicity (if appropriate), common uniting factors, and be specific interest they might have.
What: What’s the topic?
How: How strong is it going to be?
When: What time is it to be held?
Early in the morning? Just before lunch? At the end of the day? Is it only me speaking or are there going to be many speeches? Short speeches --- 3~5 minutes --- one major themes or two ~ three minor themes Are you positive or negative about it? Or neither? What statement do you want to make?
Where: Where will I be in relation to the audience? (Some level? On a stage?Behind a lectern?)
Speech length:
Introduction: (__minutes/seconds) ideas/examples/anecdotes
Main idea 1:
Main idea 2:
Main idea 3:
Summary: review my main points and themes
Tell them what you are going to tell them
Tell them
Tell them what you told them
Confident Body Posture For Public Specking
Do Not
Touch your chin Hunch your shoulders Cross your arms Thanking the audience/ group/ person who introduced you Will they see me easily? Will they hear my easily? Is microphone needed? Is there a place to put my note? Are there technological resources? (Screen?Projector?Computer?Etc.)
Put your hands in your pockets
Cross your legs
Wave your arms like you are fighting a swarm of bees
Instead, you should
Have a level chin Keep your shoulders open Keep your arms by your side or in front of you
Stand with your feet shoulder width
Use specific gestures
Move in only a small area and not too quickly
Tips and Tricks
Hook your thumbs in your back or front pockets
Hold on to a heavy book if your hands are shaking
Cards are better than pieces of paper
Don’t look at your audiences face if you feel that you will laugh --- look just above them (but not at the roof)